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Codependency Skills Workshop (Copy)

LX2 Codependency Coaching Presents

Codependency Skills Workshop

We will learn how to recognize patterns in behavior when we seek approval, validation, and acceptance from other people.

Give yourself this opportunity to begin the healing and growth process to have relationships better, you are worth it!

Core Skills

·       Define Codependency (CoD)

·       Identifying where your CoD comes from

·       Learn how manage your CoD

·       Learn how to Identify and Define Boundaries

·       Learn how to Identify and Communicate needs and expectations

·       Learn how to set yourself up for success in the relationships in around you

·       Learn how to manage relapse and prevention moving forward

Join us to start the conversation about what CoD is and how it shows up in your life and relationships.

When: January 25, 2025AM

Where: Office Alternatives

4801 Lang Ave NE Suite 110

Albuquerque, NM 87108

Cost: $50 for just the workshop, $65 with book

20%off with discount code timesup20

*Space is limited, sign up early by contacting us at lx2.cod.coach@gmail.com or call 505-228-4701

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Holiday Boundary Toolkit

LX2 Codependency Coaching


Holiday Boundary Toolkit

This is the perfect opportunity to learn some skills to manage your boundaries before the busy holiday season.

 Key skills:

 Boundary definitions

Increases awareness of your emotional and energetic threshold

What is your Yes Budget?

 Communication skills around expectations

 Practicing Patience and Grace


Come check out how to have a more enjoyable holiday season with intention.

I will have copies of Best Intention: The things we do for love for sale!

When: November 23rd, 2024 @ 10 AM

Where: Luna X2, LLC

6300 Riverside Plaza Ln NW Suite 100
Albuquerque, NM 87120

Cost: $50/person

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10:00 AM10:00

Codependency Skills Workshop

LX2 Codependency Coaching Presents

Codependency Skills Workshop

We will learn how to recognize patterns in behavior when we seek approval, validation, and acceptance from other people.

Give yourself this opportunity to begin the healing and growth process to have relationships better, you are worth it!

Core Skills

·       Define Codependency (CoD)

·       Identifying where your CoD comes from

·       Learn how manage your CoD

·       Learn how to Identify and Define Boundaries

·       Learn how to Identify and Communicate needs and expectations

·       Learn how to set yourself up for success in the relationships in around you

·       Learn how to manage relapse and prevention moving forward

Join us to start the conversation about what CoD is and how it shows up in your life and relationships.

When: August 19h, 2023 @10 AM

Where: Discovering Greatness

625 Silver Ave. SW, Suite 345
Albuquerque, NM 87102

Cost: $50/person

*Space is limited, sign up early by contacting us at lx2.cod.coach@gmail.com or at the front desk.

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